Eco Day – Friday 31st March 2017
Eco Buzzzzzzz hits Ballygalget!!
The children looked out the window and all they could see was miserable clouds. They had come to school ready for action with their wellie boots and old clothes but Mrs O’Prey said in a cheery voice, “Do not worry, the sun will put his hat on and Eco day will happen.”
She was most certainly right.
The sun started to shine and the P5s set off to create their very own Mini-beast Hotel as well as placing an undercoat of paint on the pallets for the waterwall which the P6s and P7s were going to colourfully paint in the afternoon. They were soon joined by the buzzing bees that were Reception, P1 and P2 at different stages to plant their very own pansies in farm containers that were cut in half and prepared with compost for planting.
Next up was P3 and P4 who took responsibility of planting heathers and other plants in the already carefully constructed flowers beds. There were even a few plants left over which carefully got planted inside ‘old recycled’ wellie boots; they look fab!
Later on in the afternoon, the eager P6s and P7s were awaiting their task of painting the waterwall and to paint ‘bugs’ onto old tyres that had been prepped to withstand gloss paint.
The buzz during the whole day was simply electric and the children loved making their outside garden/play area ‘their own’ because it really was their hard work and effort that has brought life to the outdoor area. So the next time you are picking your child up from school take a peek through the fence and you will be able to witness the beauty of the environment the children have created.