In Primary 7 we continue to promote independence in all areas of the curriculum, while also giving children opportunities to learn to work in pairs and small groups. Children continue to develop mathematically and improve in all aspectsof their Literacy, again with an emphasis on thinking skills development. Towards the end of Term 1 the children prepare for their Christmas Show with many P7 children leading the cast. This year our school production is 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.
In Term 2 children begin to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation with the help of the Parish Priest and we also welcome the Bishop to the parish, celebrating another stage of their faith journey.
Primary 7 children are given responsibilities in the playground to show their growing maturity by working as buddies and assisting the lunchtime supervisors.
Through the year there are many opportunities to develop sporting talents through Hurling, Camogie, Soccer, Gaelic, Rugby and Swimming. Many of the school sporting teams will include our Primary 6 and 7 children.
At the end of Primary 7, the children have a special leavers' presentation, where all their talents, skills and achievements are celebrated.
Primary 7, have you seen the Kids’ Zone where you can play games and visit some cool websites?